Monday, January 26, 2009

At last an update

eleutheria in Marion, MA
In high season this harbor has 1700 moorings, we saw two sailboats in the water.

Mia in the cockpit in Long Island Sound, Dec 08

Nayan watching the cloud shapes in Long Island Sound

Where are we? At last out of Annapolis, MD. We spent a month there rebuilding our transmission and making lots of new friends.

Here is a quick run down of our stops along the way.
Stonington, ME
Boothbay, ME
Marion, MA
Mystic, CN
Clinton, CN
Stratford, CN
Oyster Bay, NY
City Island, NY
Sandy Hook/ Atlantic Highlands, NJ
Chesapeake City, DE
Baltimore, MD
Annapolis, MD
Solomons Island, MD
Deltaville, VA

We are still wearing winter coats !
But it is not below zero here!!!!!

Since Denise has just barely entered the twenty first century technologically, posting is still new to her. We will add more soon, including some events from our trip.


Sherri, Greg, Devin, and Adam said...

Hey guys!
Nayan and Mia look like seasoned sailors. We're with you in spirit, following your progress on our atlas and in our imaginations. Looking forward to more photos.
love, Sherri, Greg, Devin, and Adam

Unknown said...

Denise, we enjoyed meeting and chatting with you at the Oriental dock today about cruising and ME.

"Fair winds and following seas".

Susie and Nils Hokansson

Anonymous said...

Hi Denise and Family....It is SO great to hear from you after a l-o-n-g time! We are very glad you included us in your blog. It looks like you are all on one awesome journey. Too bad there are no sea ports here in NM for you all to dock in! Let's be in touch some more and we'll send e-mails later to update one another. Your children are just darling! You all look so happy.
Blessings, Claire and Roger Frye

sascha said...

My Dear Friends! Hello!
I am so very touched you thought of me on your beautiful journey! I miss you so very much and can't wait for your return.

The pictures are wonderful! You are a very special family. I will miss Nayan today at 1:15 (it is Thursday after all;)

Sending you my love and kind thoughts,
P.S. Best regards from Rob!