Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Crew.
They are ready to go.
Aren't Dad and Mom ready yet....
Check back soon.


Unknown said...

Go team!
Where to first?
Kate & Kieu

Ken Brookes said...

I was in town on Tuesday and saw the boat at the lower town dock. The boat looks great. Today was very cold and blustery. I hope you can find a warm and clear window of weather to start on this wonderful adventure.
Ken Brookes

art said...

It's Sunday.
Where are you? I checked with Chuck and no sign of you in T Harbor, but with the wind so persistently against you, maybe not such great progress. It will go better when you get around the corner and headed South, hopefully.
This is far below normal temperature and things will be better once normalcy returns. Wonder where you will celebrate Thanksgiving.