Saturday, February 14, 2009

We have finally shed the winter coats!
We are all happy to be spending more time on deck, both underway and at anchor.
We arrived in Beaufort, NC yesterday. The kids are thrilled to play on the sand beach here and are eager to get a look at the wild horses that populate the island on one side of the anchorage.
I have posted some pictures from New England to Annapolis, MD.
I hope to catch up on the rest soon.

Our first bridge, it was exciting for us.
Mystic river.

We watched this train race across the swing bridge shortly before it opened to let us through.
This was our second bridge ! We've now seen many.

Watching it swing. Mystic river.

In Stratford we had snow one morning and temperatures as low as 10 degrees overnight.

Nayan and Mia playing under the dingy. They have found many ways to have fun in our boat world.

Sun rise, Stratford, CT.

While we were docked at Oyster Bay we took the train into New York City.
One day was not enough. We plan to stop and explore more on our way north.

Our last stop of the day was to see the tree.

It was a cold morning when we left Baltimore.
Lunn had quite a chuckle when we stopped to fuel up.

We saw many commercial ships in the Chesapeake Bay.
They are quite impressive up close.

Yes that is ice on the base of the bouy.
Chessapeake Bay December 23.

Our lovely Mia.

Nayan on the boom, it is a nice view from there.
Annapolis, MD Dec. 26

Our crew - on our last morning at the town dock in Oriental, NC. Feb. 13
We loved Oriental.
We will be stopping there again on our way north.

Soon I will add pictures from our stay in Annapolis, the rebuilding of our transmission and our journey from there.


Unknown said...

Nice photos, folks. Keep 'em coming. I'll try to remember to send you the one I took of Lunn just S of Watch Hill RI in early Dec.

I'm please to report that now, almost a month later, I've almost warmed up from the trip from Sandy Hook to the C&D Canal. :)

And it's oddly pleasing to know that even if I can't be there on your adventures south, at least my oil-pan gasket is...


Mim said...

Great to see photos of your adventure! Isn't it wonderful how kids can play so creatively in such a confined environment? Looking forward to more pics. You're often in my thoughts.

Barbara Ives said...

Hi all! Wonderful to see your photos and read about the long-planned trip. The chilly shots (ice-cold beer indeed) look pretty attractive in the midst of Aussie summer. We'll look forward to the next installment --

All the best, Barbara & Matthew